Hello, I'm Simon R.

aka fantomitechno
foxboy who drink ice tea
I'm a 19 yo student at Polytech Nantes. I mostly do backend stuff like API and bots, but I also do modding for Minecraft with the Quilt Loader. But the most of my time is passed starting projects... never finishing them and repeating


I create random projects so I have... a lot of them
  • Bingo1Utils, a minecraft Fabric mod created to preview a bingo grid in game (private)
  • Ender Relay , a minecraft Quilt mod implementing a proposition by Kenadian
  • ftb.tv, my twitch bot to moderate my livestream and give usefull informations
  • mc.renoux.dev , the website for my minecraft projects: mods and generators (still WIP)
  • s.renoux.dev , my own shortener to replace Rebrandly
  • Time Voyagers , a blog created for english classes with Astro (like this very website)
  • and more on my github page and multiple github organizations I'm part of